Friday, September 30, 2005

you're a dandy for nineteen years old

Day 19: It's been one of those days. You know what I mean.


eighteen and I don't know what I want

Day 18: 'Twas a pleasant day in the land of Lady Jennifer, though dark thoughts surrounded her upon occasion.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

she's only seventeen

Day 17: Yes, I'm rockin' the Winger reference today with this post title. You got a problem with that?


Monday, September 26, 2005

fifteen blows to your mind

Day 15: I fully intended to do some yoga after work today... but then I decided I'm too lazy for that. So, there you have it.


fourteen girls in baggy pajamas

Day 14: I hate laundry. And I hate doing the dishes. But, otherwise, it's good to be home.


Sunday, September 25, 2005

thirteen tattooed on my neck

Day 13: I took this picture right under the wire... but I did it! Woo-hoo! Thank goodness I still had my watch set to Central Standard Time. :^)


Saturday, September 24, 2005

twelve drummers drumming

Day 12: I drove down to Chattanooga tonight (about a 2-hour trip). I got stir-crazy and sang "99 Bottles of Beer" all the way through. It was scary.


Thursday, September 22, 2005

eleven o'clock rock

Day 11: Long day. Good mood. Pajama time.


you gotta end your date by ten

Day 10: I experienced an inexplicably good mood today. It was a pleasant change. I also wore a pair of my new clearance socks.


Monday, September 19, 2005

tripped on a cloud and fell eight miles high

Day 8: I just dropped in to see what condition my condition was in. (Yeah, yeah, oh yeah, what condition my condition was in)


Sunday, September 18, 2005

travel the world and the seven seas

Day 7: It's only 6:30 p.m., and I'm pooped already. Oh, and I plucked my eyebrows. I'm feeling immensely better about them now.


Saturday, September 17, 2005

but six rings and I rise

Day 6: I decided to get the photo out of the way early today. I also have decided that I need to pluck my eyebrows; they're getting out of hand.


Friday, September 16, 2005

we've got five years

Day 5: Woo-hoo! A song lyric with "five" in it. Thank you, David Bowie.


**This is The Kraken. Jennifer tried to cheap you guys out and use a song title she used previously. I busted her ass hard.**

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

you and me and the devil makes three

Day 3: I'm rockin' the Pajama Time. "I march to the beat of a different drummer." Yes, I do.


Tuesday, September 13, 2005

two can be as bad as one

Day 2: I got my license renewed today. It was exhilarating.


happy birthday to me...

This is post #1 of 365. I will post one every day for 365 days to commemorate my 25th year of existence. I'm very excited about it. I'm also mighty intoxicated.
