Thursday, April 27, 2006

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

printed in an edition of two hundred and twenty-six copies

Day 226: This is what happens when you: stay up till 2 Friday night at the movies, stay up till 2 Saturday night singing at an outdoor Ben Folds concert, smoke a few cheap cigarettes over the weekend, drink too much vokda Sunday night, and work hard in the yard Sunday and Monday. You get sick. Yeah. Sick. :^P


a tabular report of two hundred and twenty-five cases of refraction

Day 225: I accomplished something in the flower bed. I rock.


two hundred twenty-four; and last (of course not least) the humble zero

Day 224: Sunday night was Vodka Night. 'Nuff said.


children of Hashum two hundred twenty-three

Day 223: Saturday night, we went to see Ben Folds at Vanderbilt's Rites of Spring. Good show... but too many 6'4" inconsiderate jerks in the crowd for my liking. Mental note: Next time, wear platforms.


Martin asks whether or not a malt loaf actually weights 222g

Day 222: We went to see a scary movie Friday night with some friends. It was creepy.


Wednesday, April 19, 2006

two hundred twenty names will appear on the newest bronze tablet

Day 220: I planted flowers today. It was nice.


two hundred and nineteen men were jammed into the hold amidships

Day 219: I was very productive, and then very pooped. I loaded the truck up with about 15-20 bags of wet leaves and ivy vines, moved about ten 5-gallon buckets full of clay dirt and vine roots out of the flower bed over to the side of the house, put down ten 40-pound bags of topsoil, planted a row of sunflower seeds, and started on pulling vines and leveling the ground on the other side of the porch for another flower bed. Then, later in the day, I attended a three-act opera (without passing out). Impressive, eh?


Monday, April 10, 2006

Friday, April 07, 2006

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

two hundred and six days in which no water ran over the dam

Day 206: I've been productive today. I planted some sedum and wildflowers, potted some English Ivy and a walnut tree, pulled some ivy, and got a bit of color on my shoulders out of it all. I'm pretty happy about it.
