Wednesday, August 16, 2006

green flag waved on lap three hundred and thirty-nine

Day 339: My eye is swollen. It hurts.


three hundred and thirty-eight times as much as the Thames

Day 338: Reading in bed.


men slaves and their slave girls, these being seven thousand three hundred and thirty-seven

Day 337: Darrell wasn't feeling well, so I made him some homemade potato soup. It was yummy. It included vegetable broth, potatoes, onions, celery, shredded carrots, a dash of pepper, and a pat of soy butter.


three hundred and thirty-six search warrants

Day 336: I washed my hair.


blessing will be on the man who goes on waiting, and comes to the thousand, three hundred and thirty-five days

Day 335: The girl at the grocery store liked my shirt.


the sum of three hundred and thirty-four dollars to thence

Day 334: I visited The Darrell at work and made surly faces at him


Monday, August 07, 2006

Three hundred and thirty-one white doves were released. Some settled in its branches. One landed on the shoulder of a mourner and just sat there.

Day 331: Trying to find my inspiration. Did I leave it by the window? Nope. Can't seem to find it...


shall I go to the movie at three thirty

Day 330: Wow, that's really not flattering. And, you know what? I don't care.


seventy-three percent of his or her wages but not less than three hundred twenty-nine dollars

Day 329: Karaoke Night!


children of Hasem, three hundred twenty-eight

Day 328: Depraved.


three hundred and twenty-seven thousand female lay votaries

Day 327: Gah, how many more days left?


three hundred and twenty-six men sit in jail

Day 326: Lurking...


the sum of all is three hundred and twenty-five

Day 325: Plotting...


one to every three hundred and twenty-four of the population

Day 324: Osiris!


review of three hundred and twenty-three examinations

Day 323: I love My Darrell.


three hundred twenty-two hours, until christmas

Day 322: Patio door reflection.


three hundred twenty-one american soldiers killed in action

Day 321: It's just a coincidence that there's two (anti)war quotes in a row.


america has allocated just under $320 billion to date on the Iraq war

Day 320: Artsy bedtime picture.


three hundred and nineteen people attend the regional healthy people meeting

Day 319: Tired of taking pictures... almost done now...


took three hundred and eighteen trained servants

Day 318: I love my Malley Cat.


three hundred and seventeen times each day I have to open my head, reach in, and pull the wires out between two malfunctioning neurons

Day 317: The Google quote above is strangely relevant to this photo.


price check on america’s communities, aisle three hundred and sixteen

Day 316: I'm there in his eyes, if you look closely. Very closely.


exactly three hundred and fifteen feet along stone wall

Day 315: I won.


section three hundred and fourteen, blasphemy

Day 314: I want another earring.


lesions of the urinary bladder in three hundred and thirteen autopsy cases

Day 313: The window inspires me.
