Tuesday, December 13, 2005

to kids from one to ninety-two

Day 92: I finished all 4 pillow tops for the pillows I'm making my father-in-law Joe for Xmas. Whew! Now, I just have to make them into actual pillows... (I took this picture by putting the camera over the edge of one of the blades on my ceiling fan, so it's a little grainy. The dust I stirred up is upsetting my sinuses. :^P)



Anonymous said...

Are you sure the leg in the middle is actually a leg?

Maybe the deer and the bear are just REALLY excited it's Christmas.

[I had my artistic license revoked. This is all they allow me to do.]

SuperP. said...

That's awesome!

I'd have a wall of JenniferWK, just because you are so photogenic and your shots are so simply wicked!!... except, that would probably be wierd..

would it?

Jennifer said...

It might be slightly weird, but I would be flattered. :^)